Saturday, 3 August 2013

What the stuffed toy cat saw

Haven’t done this for a while... (blame the cosmic winds between Earth and Planet Penny). It’s Saturday Spankings! HONK!

The following excerpt is from my upcoming F/F spanking romance, and features one F taking another F over her knee for a you-know-what. I will confess that some elements are based on my own experience.

Charlotte sat on my bed, patted her thigh and purred a “Come along, over my knee,” as if the matter was no longer under discussion. Which, of course, it wasn’t. I frowned, stalled, fiddled with trinkets on the dressing table, but the inevitability of what was to come felt as obvious as a mountain and before I knew it I was lying across Charlotte’s lap, my dress pulled up around my waist. It was then that I caught sight of Whiskers, my bright pink toy cat, sitting proudly on a bookshelf at the foot of my bed. I cringed inwardly and hoped that Charlotte wouldn’t also see my plush friend and think me childish for still having him. I felt quite childish enough already.

As my knickers were eased down my thighs I felt suddenly and disconcertingly self-conscious, as if old Whiskers was looking down from his perch and wondering what on earth his little girl was up to. That careworn toy cat and I went back a long way.

Here are all the blogs taking part in Saturday Spankings this week:


  1. I want to know more about Charlotte and her lady friend's relationship and what happened to get them in this situation. Love the pink cat toy!

    1. Thanks, Kathryn! I'm glad the gals (and the scene) pique your interest. I'm writing... :)

  2. You are completely unique Penelope. I love this excerpt and would love to read the whole story. I think this is the one I've seen a bit of, yes?

  3. Great story, Penny.I can imagine Bagpuss grinning as he watches..)

    1. Haha! I figured a British reader might recognise Bagpuss :D

      (I do have just such a toy in my bedroom, and he has seen and heard all sorts of naughty goings-on...)

    2. Good old Bagpuss.No wonder he's always keen to come to life and join in andd it's a real treat for him to watch you..)

    3. Aww :) you're sweet.

      I do wonder what he must make of it all sometimes... the poor thing had to witness all kinds of schoolgirl fun just this evening ;)

    4. I'm sure it beats (in both senses of the word) watching the pther toys..though they may be interesting toys..)

  4. LOL! I love the last line and the disjointed harmony tugging her awareness between the spanking about to commence and that stuffed toy.

    1. Thanks, Maren :) I think it's fun to insert a little humour and/or cute embarrassment into scenes; the protagonist in this story seems perfect for such things.

  5. I bet old Whiskers has some good stories to tell. I like the juxtaposition of the serious spanking and the funny stuffed toy. Well done!

  6. HONK! You know you are very very naughty indeed and you need to apologize to my scared dog for making me honk :D

    but lol, oh yes I love the snippet. Charlotte is lovely. but oh my, seeing the stuffed animal. That is a problem. I always make sure my stuffed dog is safely tucked beside the bed before my Master does anything, although we do have the problem of His dear Pongo and my talking Pinkie Pie who live beside the sex toys lol

    1. lol, so happy that my honking inspired more honk :D

      But I'm very sorry indeed for making you honk and thus scaring your darling doggie. Please give him/her a nice cuddle to make up for it :)

      Pongo and Pinkie Pie, lol, you're too much!

  7. Very clever Penny. I love the kitty too.

    1. Thanks Abbie! I do so like being called clever :)

  8. LOVe the toy cat perspective in the middle of the spanking!!

  9. Love how you bring the setting, the toy cat. Nice, nice detail.

  10. Aww…loved the setup for the spanking and the toy cat. I’d like to read more of this Penelope :)

    1. Thanks, Constance! Hopefully I'll finish it this decade.

      *pats head and rubs tummy*

  11. Miss says "If only Penelope were this agile in class, her PT report would greatly improve!"

    1. Penny says, "I'm worn out now. That's it for the year!"

      *does an impression of a floppy thing on her bed*
