Friday 16 August 2013

Penny Does a Runner: Part IX

Penny had only been a member of the circus for a short time but already her former life as a schoolgirl was a fast-fading memory. She was doing very brisk business on her first night as an usherette, and she glowed in anticipation of the praise she would get from Mr Carter when the evening’s show was over.

But as she turned with a smile from her latest customer and looked out over the audience she was given a sudden and unwelcome reminder of her status as a fugitive: sitting not ten feet away, engrossed in the entertainment, was Miss Harper, her erstwhile Elocution mistress!

Penny’s tummy did a triple somersault, and terrible visions of punishment flashed across her mind. She had been in a world of trouble before she had run away from school – goodness only knew what would happen to her should she be dragged back there now! She would be thrashed on the stage! Given detention for a year! Demoted to the first, to start her schooling all over again!

Her first instinct, just as it had been when she was marched by Miss Pinchit to the Headmistress’s office, was to flee. But where would she go? The circus promised a life of travel and fun, but more importantly it promised shelter and board. She couldn’t leave it... but Miss Harper was certain to spot her sooner or later. Oh, dear! Whatever should she do?

Just then the audience broke into applause as Fernando the Fearless, a masked fire-breather, took his bow. Fernando – real name Fred – was unmistakable backstage, a shock of ginger hair making him stand out like a beacon. Yet with his mask on even his mother wouldn’t recognise him. Of course! thought Penny, inspiration hitting her like a bolt of lightning. She would disguise herself! Miss Harper would never suspect. And it would only have to be for one night, after all, as the circus was set to leave town the next day.

Penny dashed down the aisle and out of the tent, snack tray bobbing madly, would-be customers left waving at thin air.



  1. I love Penny. She's so cute. I have such a visual of this story. Hope she's ok, but must admit, I do want her to get spanked on stage…


  2. Great story, Penny as ever and that's onne show I'd love to watch too.

  3. I agree. Penny's a sweetheart. Makes me want to set her on my knee and hug the stuffing out of her - before flipping her face down, skirt up.

    1. Aww :)

      Er, I think.

      Actually, upon reflection - wah! :(

  4. Poor Penny's plans, tending towards the spur-of-the-moment, don't seem to work out very well for her. I don't anticipate this one will either (except for the readers, that is)...

    1. Don't worry, smuccatelli - this one is bound to work! :D

  5. Drat, that Miss Harper. She could spoil everything. I sure hope the disguise works for our favorite girl.

    1. Me too! And I also hope Mr Carter doesn't get too angry with Penny for abandoning her post. There's no telling what he might do! (Okay, I could be wrong about that).

    2. Thanks and hugs! So nice to have two big, strong, handsome men looking out for our plucky heroine. :)
